Monday, July 1, 2013

The universe has been good to me

My heart is full of love and gratefulness. It seem as if the universe said to me,
"You are only going to have one child. So here is the most beautiful charming amazing little girl I could make.
Your husband left you. So here is a better Man for you, who will help you grow to your full potential and love you unconditionally... you know what... while I am at it, here's another!
You went for years without having friends or being social because you gave everything you were to a person who didn't cherish you. So here is an amazing community and group of friends who will love and accept you just the way you are."
I could go on in all the ways i have been blessed but those things right there... that makes any challenges i might face fade way. Health issue, struggles with money, anxiety, judgment from the world for being different... none of it matter because i have been so greatly blessed. And in the times i start to let the crap get to me, i always have one or any number to people there to support me. I have been blessed to have so many beautiful souls come into my life.
Fuck car and houses and all that material bullshit... I am a rich woman!
I just hope i can give back, even just some, of the richness that i have been blessed with.