Friday, July 12, 2013

How do i find the one(s)??: more unsolicited advice from mandy to the interwebs

I hear/see things like this from people of all walks of life "Why cant i find that special person(s)?? I would be happy if only i could find that! MUST. FIND.TWUE. LOVE..." Ya know, that kind of crap.
My advice is.... Chill the fuck out.
It's totally cool to want that special someone(s), but don't worry about it... don't fixate on it. When's the last time you heard someone say "I was freakin the fuck out about needing to find someone(s) to fulfill me and POOF there they were!" IDK about you, but i have NEVER heard anything like that. But i sure have heard a bunch of "I wasn't looking for it but then POOF there it was!" or "Once i stopped worrying about it POOF there it was" stories.
I have no idea why it works like that. Depending on your philosophy... maybe it's because you were focused too much on what you didn't have, you missed opportunities for something great just because you couldn't see it. Or maybe your god(s) needed you to trust in the divine plan. Or maybe the universe was telling you you needed to be happy with what you have before it will bless you with more. Take your pick of one of these possibilities, or make up some other shit.... none of us really know why it seems to work like that but it seems to.
I'm not saying give up, or stop working for it. You should be active in finding what you want. Put yourself out there keep yourself open to possibilities... Just don't fixate and fret over it. Try to take an attitude of "I really want this and i will find it someday... until then i am going to be thankful from what i have and work on making myself a better me so i can be even better for that special someone(s) someday." (or similar such bullshit that suites you).
I give similar advice about test taking. Yeah study, do what you need to prepare yourself the best you can... but don't worry about it. Chill the fuck out and it will all come much easier. I started a study group for one of my college courses, a group would meet right before class. We ended up doing little studying but a lot of laughing and bullshitting together. Guess what happened... my classmate that came and enjoyed themselves and chilled the fuck out before class started scoring higher on tests!
The lesson for today is what, kids??...
CHILL THE FUCK OUT! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY runs in circles flailing
But hey... what the fuck do i know i have never been single a day of my adult life.