Sunday, August 12, 2012

Humans and Forgiveness

*Forgive me in advance if this seems a bit disjointed... It probably is*

I believe there is *some* good in all humans. Even in the most vile of people some good can be gleamed.
I also believe most of us do the best we can, most of the time, with what we have. No one is perfect of course; we are ALL broken in our own ways. Some more so than others and all in their own unique way.
That brokenness most often is what leads us to do the bad, wrong or hurtful (to ourselves and others) things we do. Let me be clear, this is in no way a justification for bad behavior. This is my understanding of how we humans work.
The goal is to get better over time. To become more self aware of our patterns and where those things stem from. To stop the bad patterns and build new healthy ones. To own our shit and to stop blaming others brokenness for our bad behavior. To learn for our mistakes and grow.
Dysfunction comes when we are unwilling to break patterns and continue to blame others for our choices.

For me, forgiveness comes easier when I keep these things in mind.

We are all human. We are all broken. We are all just trying to find our way. We all deserve some forgiveness.

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